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Care for some instrumental music?

Pastor Tiger - "Get Real"

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"The Most Important Meal Of The Day Is Breakfast." -Unkown


ACT I: "Breakfast Scene"

2nd Of November, 2017.

We met at 7:10 AM all geared up and ready. The 3 of us raided the cafeteria for our breakfast and for the filming of our coursework.

Our jobs were split into there distinctive ones, Ryu's was the Cinematographer, Richy's was the Director and Actor. Mine was of course the Prop Master, Line Producer and an extra "actor" in the film.  

Our schedule went on perfectly (Even though Richy showed up 10 minutes late! Thanks very much!)

We ordered our breakfast and settled it up on the bench to be ready for filming. We finished filming all the important shots we needed even though we did not follow our storyboard completely, as it would take too long and we would have unnecessary shots. Richy simplified aspects of the storyboard and with the help of the group managed to work out the perfect shot types and movement for our short film.

I feel both happy and accomplished to make a short-film with 2 of my good friends, and I wouldn’t choose anyone over them. We worked very well as a team, resolving a lot of issues during the filming and created a perfect scene in such a short amount of time (1 Hours and 20 Minutes). As I have the role of prop and line manager, I feel like I’ve accomplished this role well. I made sure I had the breakfast/props ready along with making sure Ryu brought all his camera gear.

Working as a team, I am really proud of the outcome we had achieved in such short time. Everyone was ready by the time we met; Toy had all props and breakfast ready by the time Ryu brought his gear and I revised the storyboard.

Even though we did have some small arguments with the camera shots and frames, we resolved this quickly by implementing​ small elements of everyone’s idea and kept filming until the end. Everyone had their own ideas which we combined and presented it in ACT 1 “The Breakfast Scene.”


The Dream Team Says:

"Please enjoy this section of our short film"


Suiting Up

ACT I: "The Entrance Sequence"

6th November, 2017.

The dream team has now finished half of our storyboard after some small friendly arguments and planning. We are very happy with the progress we had made earlier, we finished the editing for the breakfast scene and are ready to tackle a new objective. That is of course, filming the opening of “Gratifly.

In our entrance scene, we will be using “Happy Together" by the Turtles (1967). This would show the protagonist's initial moments of being happy to be in a new school. The lyrics and theme of the song matches our film very well, especially when the core of the song comes in and is interrupted by the hidden entity.

We encountered throughout the duration of the film such as getting the shots from the storyboard to match when filming. Richy and Ryu debated which shot type they should use for when the protagonist touches the door handle. In the end both of them settled in for what Richy calls a “Complete horizontal angle with a 180 degrees turn while tracking the hand.” (Sheez!, pretty long if you ask me.)

We also had issues when borrowing the camera trolley that we used to film the Protagonist short walk towards the door. As prop manager, I’ve diffused the situation by talking to the manager who allowed us to use it as long as we don’t damage it.

After the filming period (1 hour) we sat down and gave ideas to Ryu who started editing. With Ryu’s wonderful editing skills, the dream team managed to sync the protagonist's movement with the song, giving a smooth finish to the entrance scene. We based the character’s movement from a film called Saturday Night (1977), even though we weren’t able to simulate it exactly, we are still pleased with the end result.

ACT I: "The Entrance Sequence"

ACT 2: "The Toilet Scene"

"If people walk in on us, it's gonna be very weird and embarrassing. MY REPUTATION IS ON THE LINE HERE" -Richy

ACT II: "The Toilet Scene"

Everyone was geared up and ready to film once more. Well, except for Richy who decided to wear a black shirt instead of white. We encountered another problem and once more we solved it.

Ryu came up with a great idea which is that the "Outcast" changes his shirt from white to black, to show that he is slowly becoming a part of mainstream media. The White Shirt (means outcast) while the Black Shirt would mean popular/mainstream. My character "The Popular Boy" is always seen wearing a black sweater or holding a black jacket, showing that he is a part of the mainstream media/popular.

With the problem out of the way we continued to film. Following the storyboard and coming up with some of our own shots we successfully filmed "The Toilet Scene". We finished off the day by having some pizza I ordered while filming.

ACT II : "The Social Sequence"

ACT II: "The Social Scene"

Once more we got our props, camera, and our souls all prepped to film the "Social Scene". During our Media Studies lesson we walked down to the Sixth Form Common Room to film. We ran into a major problem in an instant as their was no available students to act as extras in our film. (We were hoping to get some students too "volunteer" for our film.) However Ryu suggested that we use his "Duplication Technique", in which he duplicates our characters to be put in one scene.

At the 15, 22, and 26 second mark, Ryu gave us a signal to have us turn to look at the camera. We completed 5 individual scenes and stitched them together using Premier Pro. We had no problems filming at this location as I already have done location scouting on the Sixth Form Center, and found the sofa area to be the most practical to film in.

ACT II: "The Social Scene"

We are now onto the next scene of the "Social Scene". To keep things synchronized and in order, we decided to go with Ryu's duplication technique instead of using students as act.

Ryu had to duplicate Richy and me 6 times during the course of the scene. This proves challenging for the actors as we aren't allowed to move as freely, or express our body as much. This is because too much movement may impact on the editing afterwards,  the duplication's could clip into each other which would cause massive problems to the editor. We completed this scene in the duration of our Media Lesson, which was 1 Hour and 5 Minutes without encountering any problems.


ACT II: "The Social Scenes"

The Social Scene: "Part One"

The Social Scene: "Part Two"

The Social Scene: "Hallelujah Entrance Scene"

ACT III: "The Ending"

As I was stuck in a MEDIA AS Re-take exam, Ryu and Richy headed off to the Nurse's Office to film the ending of Gratifly. What did they do? Well let's check this vlog and see!

Extra Production Film:

I have also participated in another A2 Short Film called "Haven". I both acted as the soldier (the protagonist) and an adviser for behind the scene purposes. The gallery below are some behind the scene pictures we took during the duration of the filming.

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