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Main vs Niche

Mainstream vs Niche Audiences

Case Studies Of Mainstream/Niche Films:

Eraserhead -Niche

Avatar- Mainstream

Memento- Niche

Harry Potter- Mainstream

Oldboy -Niche


Mainstream Audience: Popular, Wide Appeal.

A mainstream audience is known to incorporate a wide range of people, something with popular appeal. This audience would be involved in the texts for entertainment or social integration, some may feel they need to watch mainstream media texts because it makes easier to be involved in conversations with friends ,family and any type of social life.

Example: Avatar was a very popular film therefore would appeal to a lot of people. Avatar was easily available screened at lots of cinemas all over the world, it was rated PG 13 and released during a holiday period. The narrative is easily accessible for all ages and genders.

Holiday Period= A large amount of people have time, in the mood to spend their disposable income.

Niche Audience: Specific, Small.

Refers to a specific, particularly small group of people. The media product would be unpopular. These tend to watch media texts that are interesting to them in particular. Media texts may be more difficult to access and have less coverage across media platforms. Niche audiences tend to be people that are more individual based.

Example: “Memento” would have a niche audience. It was released at the Sundance film festival, not screened in cinemas and went straight to DVD. It was rated R for violence, language and some drug content. It features a complex and disturbing narrative. Therefore would only appeal to a small, niche target audience.




A mainstream movie would be something like Avatar, while a niche movie would be something like City of god.

Mainstream Movies List:

  1. The Avengers

  2. Jurassic Park

  3. Titanic

  4. Back To The Future

  5. Finding Dory

  6. The Dark Knight

  7. Inception

Niche Movie List:

  1. PI

  2. Requiem for a dream

  3. Mulholland Drive

  4. Donnie Darko

  5. My neighbor Totoro

Research one mainstream film and one niche audience.


  1. Name: Black Hawk Down

  2. Production Company: Columbia Films, Revolution Studios, Scott Free Productions, Jerry Bruckheimer Films

  3. Release date and year: December 28th, 2001.

  4. Director: Ridley Scott

  5. Actors: Eric Bana, Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Hardy.

  6. Genre: War Film, History, Drama, Action.

  7. Country Of Production: Rabat, Morocco.

  8. Runtime: 2 Hours 32 Minutes

  9. Who is the target audience:  People who like war films

  10. Synopsis: The film takes place in 1993 when the U.S. sent special forces into Somalia to destabilize the government and bring food and humanitarian aid to the starving population. Using Black Hawk helicopters to lower the soldiers onto the ground, an unexpected attack by Somalian forces brings two of the helicopters down immediately. From there, the U.S. soldiers must struggle to regain their balance while enduring heavy gunfire.

  11. Box Office Revenue: 173 Million USD.

  12. Budget: 92 Million USD.

  13. Revenue: 169959068 USD.


  1. Name: City Of God

  2. Production Company: Globo Filmes

  3. Release Date and Year: 2002

  4. Director: Fernando Meirelles, Katia Lund

  5. Actors: Alice Braga, Seu Jorge, Paulo Lins.

  6. Genre: Crime Film,  Drama Film.

  7. Country Of Production: Brazil

  8. Runtime: 2 Hours 15 Minutes

  9. Who is the target: Police, People who like crime films.

  10. What is it about: In the poverty-stricken favelas of Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s, two young men choose different paths. Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) is a budding photographer who documents the increasing drug-related violence of his neighborhood. José "Zé" Pequeno (Leandro Firmino da Hora) is an ambitious drug dealer who uses Rocket and his photos as a way to increase his fame as a turf war erupts with his rival, "Knockout Ned" (Seu Jorge).

  11. Box Office Revenue: 32,059,295 Dollars

  12. How much did it cost to produce:  3.3 Million USD.

  13. Revenue: N/A

Which one is the most effective at targeting their audience? Mainstream or Niche.

Black Hawk Down's advertising was very effective at targeting their audiences. Since action and shoot 'em up movies are mainstream, it gained a lot of attention when it was announced in 2001 in the US. Since it was based off a real life event US Soldiers experienced it gained a lot of attention from veteran communities and normal citizens alike. The producers of black hawk down also advertised it in other countries worldwide such as South Korea, Thailand and the United Kingdom. Black Hawk Down spent a lot of money of advertisement (no figure can be found), BHD was advertised on Television, Billboards, Promotional Pictures, Posters, Books, DVDs and anymore. BHD grabbed the attention of a lot of people including my dad who watched it when it released in Thailand.

City Of God's advertising was less efficient than Black Hawk Down, instead the film spread to other countries via word of mouth. It was released in Brazil (Home Country) in 2002 and released worldwide in 2003. City Of God was advertised through movie posters, small billboards and radio channels. Even though it was niche, city of god won many awards in the US and UK. However in Asia, city of god was unheard of since City Of God wasn't advertised in Thailand.

I would have to say that BHD was more successful targeting their audience. This is because action-war films is a mass genre which everybody likes. BHD also had more money and more funding to spend on advertising therefore they can efficiently target people on a global scale compared to City Of God which had to target people mostly in their own country (Brazil). In the end, BHD was more efficient in targeting their audience than City Of God.

Would our coursework short film be niche or mainstream?

= Our coursework would be mainstream as we are aiming for Comedy.

Black Hawk Down versus Mulholland Drive

Mainstream versus Niche

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Mulholland Drive (2001)



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Media Convergence

Media Convergence:

Q1: What does target audience mean?

A target audience is the people you want to get, to watch your movie. Your movie will aim for what these people will like. (Generally who the product/text is aimed at)

Q2. What does demographic mean?

Demographic means thes specific characteristic of the target audience.

Q3. What does L CAGES stand for?

L = Lifestyle

C= Class

A = Age

G = Gender

E= Ethnicity OR Common Culture/Traditions

S= Spending Power

Q4) What does Mainstream audience mean?

= A mainstream audience is what most people like, what the mass likes. The general audience who has interest of films in mass appeals. (Popular Appeal)

Q5) What does Niche audience mean?

= A niche audience is a small specific part of the mass audience. (Unpopular Appeal)

Q6) Can you name 5 Niche Films?

  1. Rudderless

  2. Mulholland drive

A* Challenge

What film was made for niche but instead appealed to mass.

= Paranormal Activity.

Media Convergence.

=The coming of different media outlets to create a greater effect than if it acted alone.

=Is how production companies use a variety of media platforms to display their product. (Target a wide audience, mainstream audience.)

=Cross media convergence is made possible by Technological development and convergence. Technological convergence is how technology allows media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media services.

Example of Media Convergence= Deadpool having a facebook account.

Example of Technological Convergence= Phones/Computers involve to do the same thing. The iphone does the same functions as a phone and a computer/tablet.

Media Convergence/Technology Film: “Convergence case study montage”

Black Hawk Down

TV: Multiple TV Commercials

Radio= N/A

Video= Trailers, Black Hawk Down Extended Cut

Posters= Film Posters

Photos= Promotional Photos

Social Media=N/A


Online Newspaper=N/A



How does media convergence help to aim a Film at a mainstream audience?

By using media convergence, the producers of the film can spread the film widely to audiences across the world (spreading the target audience). Media Convergence helps the films to get recognized and helps the promotion of the film so that more people will want to watch the film. For example, Black Hawk Down had billboards promoting their films in different countries such as the Philippines and Thailand.

How is media convergence changing the way that the audience consume information and interact with each other

-Link To Short Film-


Media convergence is the coming of different media outlets to product a greater effect than if it acted alone. New technology means new ways of using media convergence and interaction. In the modern day, the internet is the network which connects everyone from around the world together. Production Companies can make use of this by advertising online so everyone can see. The target audiences from different parts of the world can know when a new film is being released and what genre is it in.

Media Convergence can also bring different types of Audiences together such as in Batman Arkham City. Where the producers made comics about what happened before the game, this brought comic lovers and gamers (2 different demographics) together to appreciate the media product (Batman) which allowed for greater sales and communication between target audiences. Target Audiences of all ages, ethnicity and gender came together to appreciate the video game because of the comic etc.

Other types of media convergence includes social media. The presence of new media software tech allows for greater awareness of the new movie through new social media platforms such as snapchat or twitter. This easy access for companies who want through distribute their product while keeping costs cheap, it is also easier for people looking for the product they want as everything is connected and shared through social media.

Research a film which began by attracting a niche audience but then crossed over to attract a mainstream audience.

= Paranormal Activity was initially released for horror film fanatics with a niche target audience. However due to the film’s unique found footage style it gained popularity through word of mouth and posts on Facebook. The film was also advertised on posters and trailers released on the internet. It gained very good reviews on its first day in the cinema, that subsequently resulted it the proliferation in the number of target audiences and turned into a mainstream film instead of a niche it was suppose to be.

Film Gratification

Film Gratification

Reviews from the audience. (DIFFERENT CASE STUDIES)

  1. The Shawshank Redemption -It has a great and deep message. This movie has a foundation and just kept on being built on from their and that foundation is hope.

  2. The Godfather -At any rate, it is definitely must-see viewing--even if it's only because it's so highly regarded--if you've not experienced the film yet. I think it's a good idea to attain cultural literacy, and films as popularly loved as The Godfather become necessary elements in achieving that literacy.

  3. The Godfather 2 -The good news is that The Godfather Part II has many amazing qualities, including fantastic performances from a superb cast, sublime, unprecedented visuals that no one else has been able to capture since, and very engaging stories.

  4. The Dark Knight -The acting,story,atmosphere,and actions scenes are all amazing. If you haven't seen this movie see it right now! I went into this not expecting to much but I came out blown away, I cant imagine any movie being much better.

  5. 12 Angry Men -12 ANGRY MEN also pinpoints the shortcomings of the law, how "truth" can be so intrinsically left-field and unintentionally flawed. Lumet, working within a minimal budget here, delivers unstinting brilliance in both direction, character portrayal and script interpretation. He had of course superb acting talent at his disposal although some of the most memorable performances are from the lesser players.

  6. Scheindler’s List

  7. Pulp Fiction -Viewers are taken on a ride through three different stories that entertwine together around the world of Marcellus Wallace. Quentin Tarantino proves that he is the master of witty dialogue and a fast plot that doesn't allow the viewer a moment of boredom or rest.

  8. The Lord of  the Rings the fellowship of the rings -The entire movie is full of beautiful sets and landscapes. The Shire was almost exactly as I'd pictured it. Hobbiton is cute and very whimsical. Mordor was frighteningly well done, extremely real. Rivendell had a little bit of a European-tourist-trap look, but was beautiful all the same. The entire backdrop of the movie (the mountains, Moria, Isengard) was perfect; it's amazing that "Fellowship" was filmed in one country.

  9. The good, the bad and the ugly - GBU is a monumental influential masterpiece. everything works: music, photography, acting, dialogue, directing, etc. the cinematography and music stand out as legendary film history. who can forget the Morricone "whistles". or the harsh landscape united with a sweaty dirty super close-up of an unknown Italian actor. there's just too much to say about this landmark movie.

  10. Fight Club-"Fight Club" an aggressive, confrontational, often brutal satire that is quite possibly a brilliant masterpiece. Taking the "Choose life," anti-consumerism rant at the beginning of "Trainspotting," and carrying it to its logical -- albeit extreme -- conclusion this is a big budget, mainstream film that takes a lot of risks by biting the hand that feeds it. The film's narrator (Edward Norton) is an insignificant cog in the drab, corporate machine, dutifully doing his job and what he's told without question.

"Me, Myself & Irene" (2000)

"Target Audience No.1"


"Target Audience No.2"


Blumler and Katz's theory of Uses and Gratification

"The dream team will make the short film based on Blumler and Katz's theory of Uses and Gratification. Which is how the people in power in society gives the lower/working class an illusion of choice, all from hegemonic forms. We get gratification through daily activities thinking we have a choice, but the power blocs (institutions etc) are actually in control. They have the power to manipulate the media, and what the media tells us whenever they want. They can force their dominant ideology on us without us knowing.

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