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Preferred Reading/Ideology

Ideology= An ideology is a world view, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important; these are shared by a culture of society about how the society should function.

Example: Western magazines bears little to no relation with the measurements of the majority of western women.

Ideologies that are told to use repeatedly by important social institutions such as the church, the law, education, government, and the media are called dominant ideologies.

Dominant Ideologies:

Dominant Ideologies are ideologies or beliefs that we live by in our day-to-day lives and often do not question- they have become “Natural, Common Sense” things to do. This effectively dissuades people from rebelling against these beliefs, and keeps a sense of stability in society.

Dominant ideologies include beliefs about gender roles, about the economy about social institutions.

Antonio Gramsci Theory:

Antonio Gramsci theorized that there is a dominant ideology in society.

This dominant ideology is designed to help those in power maintain their control over society.

This power, as well as being political and economic, is also cultural. He called this dominant ideology Cultural Hegemony.

Cultural Hegemony serves the interests of the power bloc (ruling class), and perpetuates their dominance over the rest of society.

The theory claims that the ideas of the power bloc come to be seen as the NORM; they are seen as universal ideologies, perceived to benefit everyone whilst only really benefitting the ruling class. This is done in the MASS MEDIA through CONSENT. He refers to these MEDIA TEXTS as HEGEMONIC FORMs.

“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a heard of pigs” -Joseph Goebbels

It links to dominant ideology as the quote says that if you the dominant media outlet, or someone who is controlling the media. You can control any person’s ideology from any country as you control what they hear, see and listen too.

Dominant Ideology being perpetuated?

= All Female, Portray Women as regular types (Pink, Girly Colors), Portrayal of women for men, Stereotypical what men would like, Consumerism, Objectification.

Capitalistic needs consumerism.

The magazine perpetuates stereotypes and sexism for women, to be there for man’s gratification. They perpetuate traditional views and stereotypes of femininity.

It therefore serves the interests of the power bloc (male-dominated).

We live in a patriarchal society = male-led and male-dominated.

These views are called "PREFERRED READING"

Hegemonic Forms:

Cosmopolitan promotes the same hegemonic values every issue.

Legally Blond = Preferred Reading.

The producers want us to think that people in America are very typical. Males are portrayed as alpha males,powerful and are meat-heads. Like the scene where the girl rides her bike past and a bunch of males are wrestling with each other, topless.

Females are portrayed as nice, calm and angel-like. It shows skinny white girls living their dream life ( a perfect world ), girls all look beautiful and happy. Everyone is in college and portrays typical frat life.

Alien = Preferred Reading.

The producers want to show us how girls can be powerful, perhaps more powerful than males. They want to show us females are able to fight and survive better than males. The female is portrayed as masculine, as she was using a really big gun, showing off her muscles and getting ready to fight.

Preferred Reading For Short Film:

1. Shows the contrast of power between the hidden entity/unseen entity (could be god) and normal human beings like us.

2. Showing that there is a power controlling us whether we like it or not. These "power" could be non-human/human and would affect the way we live our lives.



1. Hierarchy

2. Different Social Classes and what their occupation IS

3. Power



Media Language, Institution, Representation, Audience.

An organization or establishment founded for a specific purpose. This could be dedicated to education, public service or culture.

Example: The institution makes a movie, another institution releases it etc.


A company whose controlling interest is owned by another company

Example: Legendary Entertainment is a subsidiary of Wanda Group.


A discrete part of a company that may operate under the same name and legal responsibility but focuses on a specific different service or product.

Example= Legendary Films is a division of Legendary Entertainment.


An institution made up of a number of different companies that operate in a range of mediums

Example= The conglomerate that own legendary films and other subsidiary companies is Wanda group.

The Institution Power Pyramid=

  1. CEO/Shareholders

  2. Media Conglomerate

  3. Media Company/Subsidiary

  4. Subsidiary/Division

  5. Media Product

  6. Target Audience/Demographics

Division and Subsidiaries = Media Products

Legendary Pictures= d, Batman, Kong: Skull Island

Conglomerate ===> Media Product ====> Audience

CBS ===========> No Tomorrow =====> Audience

Universal Picture=> Fast&Furious Tokyo Drift ====> Audience

CEO Dalian Hexing *Wang Jianlin*

  1. World’s largest movie theater operator

  2. 20 percent of the Spanish Football Club Atletico Madrid

  3. Has broadcasting rights to film the Golden Globes

  4. 2016 Forbes- Richest Man In China

  5. 18th Richest Man in the world.

There are 1500 Newspapers.

1,100 Magazines

9,000 Radio Stations.

1,500 TV Stations

2.400 Publishers

Owned by 6 Corporations and 272 Executives

Sumner Redstone

National Amusements

CBS Corporation

CBS News, CBS Sports, Showtime, CBS Television Studios, CBS Films etc.

Teenagers to Old Age pensioners.

Institution Power Pyramid:

The institution in the film industry is an organization or establishment founded for a specific purpose. This could be dedicated to producing films, releasing it, or advertising it. With inception the institution that produces it is Legendary Pictures while the institution that distributes Inception is Warner Bros. These two institutions work together to create a bigger effect than if it acted alone. The conglomerate that owns Legendary Pictures is the Wanda Group. A media institution contains 5 things in its power pyramid, which is the Conglomerate, Subsidiary, Division, Media Product and Audience. The role of institutions is very important as they are the producers of films for the audience. Subsidiaries and divisions all work together to create an institution and film. Each media product is produced for a different variety of demographics, for example Kong:Skull Island and Steve Jobs were all produced by Legendary Pictures but are different genres and aimed for different target audiences. Legendary pictures also produce a variety of films including Jurassic World and Lady in the water.

These institutions are very powerful, they have so much different conglomerates and subsidiaries targeting different target audiences. There are 6 companies and 272 executives in America that control 90 percent of the media controlling all the ideology people absorb and what the audiences are given. This illusion of choice is very dangerous as people (audience) think they have a choice of what to read,watch or listen to however in reality they are listening to only 6 companies. These 6 companies/272 executives can indoctrinate people however they like as they control what to give and what not to give, hundreds of newspapers and magazines are often controlled by one company. This gives them the ability to spread their ideology using the “Illusion of Choice” to make sure people agree and believe what the companies want them too. All these companies will produce media products for different demographics (Target Audiences)




Hegemony= Is the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over another. It is the way in which those in power maintain their control.

Subordinate= A person under the authority or control of another within an organization.

Concept Of Hegemony= Coercion + Consent

Coercion = We Force. (It uses the army, the police, prisons etc to force other classes to accept its role)

Consent = Gain trust and respect and act. It uses the media and values to persuade the subordinate class that its rule is legitimate (Lawful/Justified)

The media always uses consent.

= This picture explains hegemony by showing clearly what coercion and consent is. Consent being the media, convincing and persuading people. While coercion being the US Military being forceful with guns and bombs in Iraq.

Hegemony and Media

Hegemony has a massive impact on what is portrayed through the media (e.g. the TV). It does this by reinforcing ideologies through consent.

A news report that shows strong support for a controversial foreign policy decision can be said to be support the government hegemony for example with the US and UK invasions in Iraq and WMDs.


(You can control their lives, controlling their friends and control what they believe in. Since the population trust the media)


= Hegemony is essentially in every film, some more than others. The media is trying to convey their ideas and ideologies towards the audience.  In film, hegemony is used as a widely accepted cultural belief that is portrayed in the movies.For example in Jud Süß or The Eternal Jew which are Nazi propaganda films, jews are portrayed as the enemy and non-human/non-german and should be killed. Modern films such as “Gone With The Wind” has slavery in it, which is culturally accepted for the time period it was set in. “50 shades of grey” also has hegemony in it where being submissive is accepted in the film.

Furthermore in certain films there are both coercive and and consent powers in it. Films such as “American Sniper” have both of the Cs in it. At first, there is consent power through the film where the main character learns that the World Trade Center was attacked and that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. He then joins the Navy Seals because of this (Through consent power) and goes to Iraq to participate in the war. He then starts his work as a sniper, shooting the terrorists and suppressing the Iraqi population because of the media (Consent).

However the negative sides of the two Cs power are also shown. Both sides of the conflict suffer, with the Iraqi Civilians dying from collateral damage and bombing. The other side is the main character himself (Chris Kyle) who suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) himself after the war. This shows the Hegemony affects everyone, not just the person receiving it.

"American Sniper" (2014)

American Sniper shows both coercive and consent power and how it affects all characters, such as un-seen characters, major and minor characters.

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Zombies film are also examples of Hegemony.

In 28 Weeks Later, Fear The Walking Dead and Zombie Land all shows the protagonist running/fighting zombies. The zombies are trying to turn the protagonists into one of them, one of the zombies. So that the zombie's influence/power can increase and takeover the world, being the new leader.

"28 Weeks Later" (2007)

"28 Weeks Later is a good film showing a clear Hegemonic theory. The mass of zombies (aka the majority) are trying to turn the un-infected and the protagonist (the minority) into one of the zombies."

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Antonio Gramsci's Theory

  • There is a dominant ideology in every society, every country and every group in this world.

  • The power bloc (ruling class/executives/CEOs) exploits the media to oppress the lower class to control them.

  • Power blocs uses Hegemonic Forms (Media Products) and distribute it to the people (Lower Class)

  • The people experiences these hegemonic forms and gets pleasure and leisure. (Such as listening to the radio or watching TV)

  • The audience think they are getting true information.This is actually false, they are under control by the power bloc’s dominant ideology. They are getting controlled through the consent form and illusion of choice (1500 Newspapers, 1100 Magazines, 9000 Radio Stations, 1500 TV Stations, 2400 Publishers. ALL CONTROLLED BY 6 CORPORATIONS AND 272 EXECUTIVES)

Breaking The Habit 2.jpg


What Is Capitalism?






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