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Film Gratification

Film Gratification

Reviews from the audience.

  1. The Shawshank Redemption -It has a great and deep message. This movie has a foundation and just kept on being built on from their and that foundation is hope.

  2. The Godfather -At any rate, it is definitely must-see viewing--even if it's only because it's so highly regarded--if you've not experienced the film yet. I think it's a good idea to attain cultural literacy, and films as popularly loved as The Godfather become necessary elements in achieving that literacy.

  3. The Godfather 2 -The good news is that The Godfather Part II has many amazing qualities, including fantastic performances from a superb cast, sublime, unprecedented visuals that no one else has been able to capture since, and very engaging stories.

  4. The Dark Knight -The acting,story,atmosphere,and actions scenes are all amazing. If you haven't seen this movie see it right now! I went into this not expecting to much but I came out blown away, I cant imagine any movie being much better.

  5. 12 Angry Men -12 ANGRY MEN also pinpoints the shortcomings of the law, how "truth" can be so intrinsically left-field and unintentionally flawed. Lumet, working within a minimal budget here, delivers unstinting brilliance in both direction, character portrayal and script interpretation. He had of course superb acting talent at his disposal although some of the most memorable performances are from the lesser players.

  6. Scheindler’s List

  7. Pulp Fiction -Viewers are taken on a ride through three different stories that entertwine together around the world of Marcellus Wallace. Quentin Tarantino proves that he is the master of witty dialogue and a fast plot that doesn't allow the viewer a moment of boredom or rest.

  8. The Lord of the Rings the fellowship of the rings -The entire movie is full of beautiful sets and landscapes. The Shire was almost exactly as I'd pictured it. Hobbiton is cute and very whimsical. Mordor was frighteningly well done, extremely real. Rivendell had a little bit of a European-tourist-trap look, but was beautiful all the same. The entire backdrop of the movie (the mountains, Moria, Isengard) was perfect; it's amazing that "Fellowship" was filmed in one country.

  9. The good, the bad and the ugly - GBU is a monumental influential masterpiece. everything works: music, photography, acting, dialogue, directing, etc. the cinematography and music stand out as legendary film history. who can forget the Morricone "whistles". or the harsh landscape united with a sweaty dirty super close-up of an unknown Italian actor. there's just too much to say about this landmark movie.

  10. Fight Club-"Fight Club" an aggressive, confrontational, often brutal satire that is quite possibly a brilliant masterpiece. Taking the "Choose life," anti-consumerism rant at the beginning of "Trainspotting," and carrying it to its logical -- albeit extreme -- conclusion this is a big budget, mainstream film that takes a lot of risks by biting the hand that feeds it. The film's narrator (Edward Norton) is an insignificant cog in the drab, corporate machine, dutifully doing his job and what he's told without question.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Blumler and Katz 1974: Suggests that media users contribute and have an active role in the media.

  1. Diversion (Relax and Escape)

  2. Personal Relationships

  3. Personality Identity

  4. Surveillance

3 other audience uses and gratifications

  1. Visceral (A physical or emotional responses)

  2. Vicarious (Experiencing something through someone else

  3. Voyeuristic (“Spying” on other people)


=The Blumler and Katz 1974 Gratification Theory was developed during the 1970s. It suggests that media users also have an active role in the media. There are 3 needs the audience has. Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic.

Short Film: Uses and Gratification Theory+MIRA

Cardboard Warfare 1.5:


Media Language= A short film in continuity of the cardboard warfare series of short films.

Institution= An independent film maker.

Representation= Typical gang war, white people as Mafia, Asian people as Yakuza/Triads. (Stereotypes)

Audience= Teenagers-Adults (Most likely male)

Diversion = Escape reality and put yourself in the shoes of the people in the short film, whether it will be the waiter or other characters.

Personal Relationships = So you can feel what the characters think of each other. For example, the two mafia gangsters are friends with each other but hate the triads/yakuza, while the triads/yakuza hate the mafia but like each other. Or even the innocent waiter who makes a brief relation with the 2 gangsters. You can somewhat relate yourself to one or more characters in the short film.

Personal Identity= You could find some reinforcements for personal values in this film, such as the bond between family and how you would attack/defend your family from outside threats much like this short film is. (Mafia Family versus Yakuza/Triads Family.)

Surveillance= You are experiencing the fight in the movie through a third person perspective while a lot of the camera shots were medium to closeup shots. This makes the film feel more immersive, like you were right there next to them during the shootout.

Visceral = This short film would trigger emotional/physical responses such as being on the edge of your seat, being excited or anxiety etc.

Vicarious = You are immersed with the experienced of being in a conflict between 2 crime families through a third person perspective. However the shots are mostly medium-close ups, making you able to see the character's emotions and feeling what they are feeling.

Voyeuristic = There are not a lot of Voyeuristic moments in this short film, perhaps none at all. The only voyeuristic moment is at the 0:19 mark of the short film where you get to observe the 4 characters in the same shot.

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