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Coursework Ideas

Ryu -Story, Camera, Editing, Camera Shots, Sound.

Richy -Director, Main Actor, Camera Shots, Additions to the story.

Toy - Location Scouter, Extra Actor, Props Manager, Camera Shots, Additions to the story.

Location Scouting (Ryu):

Advantages: Layout of the room can be used to our advantage for filming different scenes. Plenty of "common angles"

Dis-advantages: Maybe too bright and colorful for a "depressing" film. Hard to move around so angles can be limited (Unique Angles)

Questionnaire Given To Target Audiences (Toy):

-Opportunity sampling for students in our sixth form (Harrow Bangkok). Our demographics are teenagers in high school, ages 15-18.

Location Scouting At School (Toy):

Advantages: The hallway feels eerie and lonely like the protagonist, the inner part is the hallway is pretty dark which is perfect for our film. There are also different spots in the hallway to film in which looks depressing, matching our protagonists feeling.

Dis-advantages: Some spots in the hallway can be too bright due to the sunlight and layout of the floor. It is also pretty busy, it would look too populated during lunch times or even after school.

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